Walter W. Zhang

Teaching Materials

PhD Math Camp
   Co-taught with Karthik Srinivasan
     Summer 2020, 2021, 2022

Karthik and I taught an math camp for the incoming Chicago Booth PhD students. We designed a two-week intensive course that includes lecture notes, coding examples, and instructional videos. The course is comprised over 36 hours of lecture. My section covers of statistical inference, optimization, and dynamic programming. Course material is provided on request.

Mercury High Performance Computing Tutorial
     Summer 2020, 2021, 2022

I designed and taught a three-hour tutorial on using the Linux high performance computing (HPC) cluster for Chicago Booth PhD students. Participants interactively learn how to run jobs on the server, use the SLURM job scheduler for submitting jobs, and I provide an overview of the cluster's architecture.

Teaching Experience

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Chicago Booth

 PhD Program

 EMBA Program

 MBA Program

University of Chicago

Point72 Asset Management