We search over a grid of values for the elastic-net to find the optimal alpha parameter. Set alpha to NULL to find the optimal alpha value. The Elastic-Net family of regressions is estimated with `glmnet` package. Parallelization is done with the `parallel` package.
alpha = 1,
alpha_seq = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
threads = 1L,
cv_folds = 10L,
est_seed = 1234L,
A data frame of the training set features (data.frame)
A vector of the individually estimated treatment effects (numeric)
A data frame of the test set features (data.frame)
The alpha value for the elastic net (numeric)
The a vector alpha value to consider (numeric)
The value of number of threads to use (integer)
The number of folds for the cross-validation step (integer)
A value for CV estimation seed (integer)
Additional parameters to be passed to glmnet::cv.glmnet
A vector of the TEP projection values for the test set (numeric)